Essential Components of Soft Tissue Mobilization (Massage)….Contact Hours/CCU’s: 10




Item Number/ID:

Complete Set of The Principles and Practice of Soft Tissue Mobilization (Massage) 
All Eight (8) DVDs and One (1) Testing Booklet: E-Mailed

The Soft Tissue Mobilization (Massage) course has been approved for 10 Contact Hours/CCU’s, (Ohio is for 10 CEUs)

Price: $100.00


This DVD series covers the principles and practice of Soft Tissue Mobilization (Massage), concentrating on the Swedish Remedial Massage tradition. The course is intensively practical covering a variety of techniques to the back, neck, the upper limb and the lower limb and foot. In addition, techniques suitable for a variety of specific clincial problems will be considered including chronic swelling, chronic hematoma, chronic scar tissue and chronic tendon problems.


The History, Requirements, Essential Components, Definitions and Terminology of Soft Tissue Mobilization (Massage)
Massage of the Lower Limb (Prone Position – Practical Session)
Massage of the Lower Limb (Supinr Position – Practical Session)
Massage of the Upper Limb (Practical Session)
Therapeutic Effects, Clinical Indications, General and Local Massage Sequences
Massage Techniques for The Back (Practical Session)
Massage Techniques for the Neck and Shoulder (Practical Session)
Massage for Specific Purposes (Practical Session)


Define and describe the characteristic techniques of the Swedish Remedial Massage traditional including the mechanical, physiological and psychological effects of each technique.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the place of soft tissue massage in the design and implementation of a rehabilitation care plan. Demonstrate practical ability while being sensitive to individual and cultural differences in the application of each soft tissue massage technique.
Demonstrate high levels of professional behavior and effective communication skills in the practical application of soft tissue massage.
Demonstrate an understanding of relevant legal and ethical issues to the application of soft tissue massage.

PRESENTER: Giovanni De Domenico, PhD, M.Sc, MCSP, MAPA

Dr. De Domenico is a professor and chairman of the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas. His area of expertise isall aspects of Electrophysical Agents and Soft Tissue Massage. Dr. De Domenico has published his work extensively; with more than 35 publications, including 4 books and monographs. Dr. De Domenico is the author of both the 4th and 5th editions of a well known text on soft tissue massage. He has presented over 30 papers/posters at scientific conferences and has presented more than 120 continuing education lectures/courses in Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, Europe and North America. He has been active member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) in the U.K., the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) and the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA); having served on many local and national committees.