Hand Therapy- Treating the Symptoms and the Cause November 4 – 5, 2017 West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital Sulphur, LA


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Course Name: Hand Therapy- Treating the Symptoms and the Cause
Presenter: Alison Taylor, OT, CHT
Dates: Saturday, November 4 – Sunday, November 5, 2017
Tuition: $325.00 – Early Registration
$375.00 – After Saturday, October 21, 2017
Location: West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital
Gym (Small or Large)
701 Cypress
Sulphur, LA 70668
Number of CCU’s / Contact Hours: 15
Target Audience: PT, PTA’s, OT’s, OTA’s 

Course Description:

Patients will tell you what is wrong with them from the descriptions they give, however as clinician’s we often miss the cues and just treat per the diagnoses. This course will cover the most common conditions in hand therapy and how to assess the patient in an exciting and different way.  The words they use to describe pain, tension, and ROM will guide you in your treatment. This course will teach you how to treat from a perspective of muscle imbalance and alignment. You will improve your anatomical assessment as well as gain new and exciting tools to improve your outcomes. It is a highly interactive- lab intensive course focused on improving your handling and treatment of the upper extremity. The course will include extensive video evidence to enhance treatment understanding


Day One – Saturday, November 4, 2017

8:00 – 10:00 am   Basic anatomy and physiology as it relates to muscle imbalance and movement patterns will be presented throughout the day with each diagnosis.
Fractures of the Upper Limb
Humeral Fractures
Elbow Fractures
Distal radius
10:00 -10:15 am Break
10:15 – 12:00 n  Fractures of the Upper Limb
Metacarpal Fractures
Finger Fractures
12:00 – 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 – 3:00 pm   Tendonitis and Muscle Imbalance in the Upper Extremity
3:00 – 3:15 pm Break
3:15 – 5:00 pm  Tendonitis
Dequervain’s and wrist
ECU Tendonitis
Trigger Fingers
5:00 pm End of Day One

Day Two – Sunday, November 5, 2017

8:00 – 10:00 am  Upper Extremity Pain-
Radial Nerve – symptoms and treatment- CRPS
Median Nerve -Carpal Tunnel
Ulna Nerve- Guyon’s Canal and the wrist
Ulna nerve and the elbow
Brachial plexus and the shoulder
10:00 – 10:15 am Break
10:15 – 12:00 n Trauma in the Upper Extremity
Crush Injuries
12:00 n – 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 – 3:00 pm  Manual Labs
UE Joint Mobilization
Basic Taping concepts
IASTM with Hawks grips
3:00 – 3:15 pm Break
3:15 – 5:00 pm  Discussion of current concepts in Hand Therapy
Mirror Imagery and how it applies to our treatment.
Case studies and applications.
Splinting and casting the issues
Treating the sensory system
Questions and wrap up
5:00 pm End of Day Two and End of Course

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion the participant will be able to demonstrate and have an understanding of:

Improve surface anatomy assessment of boney landmarks and skin and how this effects movements
Improve assessment of muscle imbalance and how if related to the upper extremity limitations
Perform an UE assessment following the concept of skin, fascia and tissue movement.
Perform basic joint mobilization of the upper extremity at the shoulder, elbow, wrist and fingers.
List the basic concepts of Taping, IASTM and Visual Motor Imagery and how it relates to common diagnoses in Hand Therapy

Presenter: Alison Taylor, OT, CHT

Alison Taylor graduated with a BA in Applied Science in Occupational Therapy from Sydney University, Australia in 1990. She has worked in and out of the US for over 26 years and obtained her CHT in 2001. Since that time Alison has presented at 5 ASHT Conferences.  The 2016 ASHT preconference workshop was on “Tendonitis and Taping” a topic in which she is developing new protocols and conducting research. She became a Kinesio Taping Instructor in 2011 and actively lectures throughout the USA on Upper and Lower Extremity taping. She has presented at multiple local and State Conferences as well as OT/ASHT Chapter meetings. Alison has been a guest lecturer for the OT programs at Texas Women’s University (Denton) and University of Sydney and LSU (Shreveport).  She was NDT certified in 2003 and has been published in Kinesio “ Advanced Healing” Magazine. Her specialties include hands, sports orthopedics and tendonitis.   Alison is a specialist in splinting, upper limb trauma and treating neural related conditions in the upper quadrant. Her background also includes Neurology, Spinal Cord and Acute care She is married with 2 boys and is the owner of “Taylor Hand Therapy” in North Texas.

Additional information

Number of Attendees

One Attendee, Two Attendees, Three Attendees, Four Attendees, Five Attendees