


Item Number/ID:

Complete Set of Pilates Rehabilitation for the Healthcare Professional 
All Seven (7) DVD’s, Course Notebook and One (1) Testing Booklet: E-Mailed

The Pilates Rehabilitation course has been approved for 13 Contact Hours/CCU’s, (13 CEUs for Ohio)

Price: $130.00


This DVD series will provide basic training in Pilates Rehabilitation based on the principles of Joseph Pilates and Pilates evolved practitioners. Thirty exercises ranging from Level I to Level III will be taught and demonstrated based on the principles of biomechanics, kinesiology and motor learning. The Pilates education will reinforce an understanding of faculty movement patterns, transversus and multifidi re-training, spectrum of movement and the stages of rehabilitation. Upon completion of the course the clinician will be able to create and implement a Pilates treatment program, provide a specific home exercise program and demonstrate appropriate verbal and tactile facilitation. The course will highlight advanced dynamic stabilization exercises, appropriate exercise selection and progression, patient retention and marketing


Introduction, History and Evolution of Pilates Techniques and Pilates Rehabilitation
Pilates Rehabilitation (con’t), Transversus and Multifidus Lab
Level I Exercises: Stabilization/Disassociation-Bridging/Shoulder Bridging, Hundred, Single Leg Circles, Clam and Side-lying series
Level II Exercises: Mobilization: Mermaid, Spine Stretch Forward, Spine Twist, Saw, Foam Roller Extension, Prone Extension/Side Bending and Swimming
Level III Exercises: Mobilization and Dynamic Stabilization: Roll-Up, Rolling Like a Ball, Single Leg Stretch, Double Leg Stretch, Single Straight Leg Stretch, Double Straight Leg Stretch, Criss-Cross, Corkscrew and Can-Can, Teaser series, Roller-over, Leg Pull Down/Up, Side Bends and Twists and Thomas Test Stretch
Program Development and Marketing
Mock Pilates Class and Case Studies


At completion of this program, the participants will be able to:

Identify appropriate principles of motor learning, verbal and tactile facilitation and advanced body awareness to aid in the problem solving process
Understand the facilitation of the transversus and multifidus in relation to the neutral spine concept
Identify the appropriate stage of a client and correctly implement the most effective treatment program
Understand the ability to execute 30 mat exercises safely and with correct facilitation
Know how to modify basic exercises based on client’s needs
Implement a marketing program for their facility


Staci has been a practicing physical therapist since 1995. Completing her undergraduate work at California State University, Northridge. She received her Batchelor’s degree in Health Science with a certificate in physical therapy. She attained her manual therapy certification (MTC) in 2000 from Stanley Paris, PhD, PT and completed her Pilates Rehabilitation Certification in 2001 through Polestar Education. Recently she received her Orthopedic Certification Specialist (OCS) from APTA in 2005. Currently she is working towards a Masters in Health Science degree at the University of St. Augustine in Florida. Staci is currently an administrator and site coordinator at HealthSouth Rehabilitation center in Denver, Colorado. Staci speaks throughout the United States on Pilates Rehabilitation. Besides being a faculty member and an administrator for HealthSouth, Staci is also a clinician seeing patients on a daily basis.