


Item Number/ID:

Complete Set of The Problem Shouder: Current Concepts in Evaluation,
Treatment and Rehabilitation
All Seven (7) DVD’s, Course Notebook and One (1) Testing Booklet: E-mailed

The Problem Shoulder C.E. Course has been approved for14 Contact Hours/CCU’s
(14 CEUs for Ohio)

Price: $140.00


Shoulder Anatomy and Biomechanics
Shoulder Examination
Examination and Treatment of Shoulder Impingement Syndromes
Glenohumeral Joint Instability
Glenohumeral Joint Accessory Motion  (Examination and Treatment)
An Overview of Shoulder Girdle Pathology and Treatment
Shoulder Therapeutic Exercise

Course Description:

This course is designed to assist physical therapists in constructing treatment and rehabilitation of programs for patients with a variety of musculoskeletal shoulder pathologies. The presenter will establish a foundation for the principles of rehabilitation by outlining current basic and clinical science evidence used in the treatment of complex orthopaedic shoulder pathologies. Lecture and laboratory experiences will be employed throughout the weekend. Complex case studies will be used as examples of how to manage patients with difficult shoulder pathologies.

Learning Objectives:

At completion of this program, the participants will be able to:
Discuss the functional anatomy foundations for shoulder girdle complex examination and rehabilitation
Perform an observational movement analysis for the shoulder girdle complex
Correlate pathomechanical scapular movement patterns to muscular deficiencies
Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the hypomobile and hypermobile shoulder
Differentiate between increased and decreased accessory motion at the shoulder joint complex
Describe the differences in anterior and posterior impingement at the glenohumeral joint
Examine the differences in anterior, posterior, and multidirectional instability at the glenohumeral joint
Compare and contrast the examination and rehabilitation of glenoid labrum tears, acromioclavicular pathology, and clavicle fractures
Diagram how principles of rehabilitation can be utilized in treatment of the majority of shoulder pathologies
Design an evidenced-based therapeutic exercise program for a variety of shoulder pathologies.

Presenter: Walt Jenkins,  PT, DHS, ATC, LATC

Walter is an Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Physical Therapy at East Carolina University. During his tenure at ECU he has been active in teaching and curriculum development as well as research and continues to be clinically active by serving as a physical therapy consultant to the university athletic program. Dr. Jenkins received his Bachelor of Physical Education degree from Purdue University in 1977 and a Master of Science in Physical Therapy in 1982 and a Doctor of Health Sciences degree in 2003 from the University of Indianapolis. Currently Walt serves as the program chairman for the American Physical Therapy Association’s Sports Physical Therapy Section annual Team Concept Conference. He is an active member of the Sports Physical Therapy Section of APTA and has served on several committees with the National Athletic Trainers Association.